Parents Teachers Association

Importance of Parent Teacher Association

The role of education for the betterment of society cannot be neglected. In order to function effectively for the student’s welfare, it is important for both teachers and parents to come together. This is well achieved by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) in the school. The importance of the PTA cannot be given a deaf ear. Sanskar English High School & Junior College understands this aspect and offers a Parent Teacher Association.

There are innumerable benefits associated with the PTA in the Sanskar English High School & Junior College. One of the greatest benefits associated is that it helps teachers to understand students from the parent’s perspective and vice versa. It helps parents to know all about the functioning of the school, problems, and so on. It works towards making the school better and the best place to get a quality education. In this, it is the teachers and the parents that sit together and discuss various issues regarding school and even of a particular student.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the association shall be:

1. To provide the platform for parents, guardians, and teachers of students to meet, exchange, deeply analyze issues, make recommendations, and effectively pursue the implementation of decisions on matters affecting education.

2. To foster mutual understanding, harmonious relationships, and cooperation among parents, guardians, and teachers in the fulfillment of their common aim, the welfare of the school and the pupils/students therein.

3. To make for a healthy and sympathetic understanding of the education policies and programs of the school and thus influence the same to create a suitable climate for the reception of the same.

Parent Teachers Association(PTA) Members

Prasad Ramkrishna Kulkarni
Ankush Subhash Borwade
Parent Member Std – I
Shaikh Raheman Shaikh Sadeq
Parent Member Std – II
Varsha Santosh Vaidya
Parent Member Std – III

Eduaction is everyone’s right. And it is our responsibility that everyone gets it.

We are determined to educate as many children as possible. Constructing a new building for Sanskar English High School and Junior College (CBSE), is one of the ways we’re doing that. Your help in fulfilling this responsibility is not only appreciated, it’s invaluable.

You can secure the future of many, many children of tomorrow.